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Author Archives: Lauren
Baby Snuggles
GUYS. I love my baby so much. ♥ Baby snuggles
Kaylee Smiles
Kaylee has smiled pretty much from birth – she started somewhere in the first week, which really surprised me because everything I read said babies generally start smiling much later. And she loved (and loves!) sticking her tongue out, just like her mommy, hehe. This video was taken back in early February, when she was […]
Kaylee: 6 Months
Hi guys! So, I had every intention of keeping up with this and then I just.. didn’t feel it. Not at all. And then I felt overwhelmed thinking about trying to catch up, so I decided I’m just not going to catch up, not really. Kaylee turned 6 months old two weeks ago. She is […]
Kaylee Rae
I.. don’t even know where to start, lol! As you probably have figured out by now, I had my baby.. I couldn’t even begin to catch up in this post, so I’m not even going to try, but I guess I will at least announce her.. 🙂 Kaylee Rae Jones January 24, 2014 at 2:53pm […]
Dreams: My (Future) Daughter
had my first dream ever about this baby girl inside of me! She was about three years old and really cute – I couldn’t see her face in details, but I could tell she had one of those really pretty faces that everytime I see them on another child, I fall in love. She had […]
Pregnancy: January 19th, 2014
Happy 40 Weeks! Today is my “official” due date, no baby girl yet. I’ve been having a lot of symptoms for over a week now, but nothing substantial enough. Supposedly she has dropped and has been for a few weeks now, but she looks (and feels) so high in pictures. I think she’s facing my […]
Thoughts on Being an ENFJ
[15 Things ENFJs Wish You Knew About Us] I don’t know how charismatic I am, but other than that, this sounds very much like me. I think I figured something important out about myself, something others have probably realized very quickly, but I have been very slow about. I’ve often thought of myself as a […]
Throwback Thursday: 2003 & Links
Photo from when Sam and I met in person for the first time in November 2003! (We originally met online.) This definitely doesn’t feel over ten years ago. And some interesting links I’ve come across recently: 20 mesmerising libraries from across the world calendar – I just bought the dry erase one, if you […]
Pregnancy: Baby Girl Pool
I’m kinda late to the game (completely forgot these existed, haha) but, I’d love if you went and participated! Just for fun! [just some quick instagram pics.. weeks 38 and 39]
Pregnancy: 38 Weeks
Sam took this really quickly on Sunday right as it was starting to freezing rain.. figured we better get it just in case I randomly go into labor at any moment now, hehe! The nursery is painted, but it’s not finished. Everything is actually in the room and accessible, but no decorating has been done […]