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Tag Archives: mail
Snail Mail Monday
I haven’t had any good mail in a long time, but this one is one that never got posted from.. my gosh.. a year ago. I got this really awesome package from Fritzi Marie, and it came at a perfect time, too. Since I got it, I used up the dry shampoo – which smelled […]
DIY & Mail Goodies Giveaway
If you remember, for Christmas, I got a postcard stamp from Hobby Lobby, which apparently everyone loved! Well, I used it for the first time to make my letter into a postcard. Choose your envelope and your picture (I used a magazine). Cut out the picture in two pieces to match the envelope, so that […]
Snail Mail Monday
I think this was supposed to be a Christmas present, tee hee, but Tina didn’t send the package along until recently. 🙂 Pretty sweet ephemera. I love it. It also gives me good ideas for where I can find my own, maybe while thrifting. (p.s. and candy.. yumm. i got this package over a week […]
Snail Mail Monday
Looks like I scared away all my readers with the Steelers stuff!! haha. Well 😛 😛 fine. here’s some mail.
DIY: Make Your Own Envelopes & Letter Sets
I participated in a “repurposed letterset” swap on Swap-bot. You take something like an atlas, calendar, magazine pages, or an old book to create a handmade letterset. I took one of my envelopes that I really like the design of and tore it apart to use as a template. Then I chose these thrifted quilting […]
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Also tagged diy, downloadable, envelopes, free, letters, letterset, tutorial
Christmas Presents
What did you get for Christmas? Besides the Nikon D90 that I got early, and which is super awesome, I also got.. 1.) [source] RENT!!! I finally own this, yay! 2.) This awesome postcard making stamp, yes!! 3.) Airmail envelopes! 4.) Library card notecards – pretty awesome idea.
Christmas Wishlist: Etsy-ish Edition
Or “The Paper Edition” or “Mail Edition”, haha, oops. And, consequently, most of my very favorite shops. I already got my awesome gift, but it’s still fun to look. 1.) Good Company – 11 x 11 limited edition print by groundwork Confetti A Grand Discovery 2.) Air Mail Kit by Paper Pastries 3.) Postcard Collection […]