Brainstorm with me

I’m having a hard time keeping up with this blog. I generally enjoy it, I love that it has become a visual scrapbook of sorts for my life, but I feel as though it has no voice.

I think part of the reason for this is that these hobby type things – decorating, being artsy, etc., are all things that are not natural to me. I am not a hobbyist. I’m more of a people person. And that was part of the point originally – have a place to go where I can explore new things, be more physically creative – except that no one explores new things constantly, and that is why I have an empty blog much of the time.

I guess the next question is – what should I do about this? Do I change the purpose of the blog? And if I do, how? Just.. jump in? Do a visual change? Maybe I don’t change the purpose as much as just making it a catch-all personal blog?

Now, don’t get me wrong, I do still want a visual scrapbook. Definitely. It would remain a vital part. In fact, I intent to bring back postcards and snail mail days. It’s just that this isn’t enough.

I’ve already tried inserting a bit of my daily life in among the photos, but I find it.. stilted? Awkward? I am not one to discuss my daily life much.. I prefer discussing ideas and concepts.. which honestly, is my daily life.

I once changed this site before – I used to write more political and religious things – but it would not go that direction again most likely. That’s not really what I want either. And I don’t forsee that kind of drastic change either.

I don’t really have a conclusion to this – perhaps I will just try it on and see where it goes. It might mean less visual posts though. But I think even when I write something like this, I will try to include something visual – it just looks nice and appeals to me.

What do you think? Talk to me. Brainstorm with me.

Posted by Lauren

The one with the living room

We just got a new couch from Ikea and side table.. and I put up a bunch of pictures on our wall (moved them from the hallway.. needed a change).

So here’s a sneak peak into my new living room/dining room area! It’s not perfect but I’m liking it so far.. definitely the closest to my taste that we’ve ever had! (That lamp doesn’t go there, but it blocked the pictures so I temporarily moved it.)

(Uh, ignore that box. I forgot to move it. Stupid Verizon sent us boxes to return our FIOS boxes except we didn’t cancel our account. lol Also, I didn’t clean up the coffee table. FOR SHAME.)

Here are some of my future plans:

– I still want to get a new coffee table.
– We need more color.. yellow and orange throw pillows?
– I’d love to get real curtains to go along with the sheers.. gray or yellow, depends, maybe with a pattern?

I haven’t found anything that I’ve liked yet or that is affordable, but I don’t know if you guys know this.. you can use table cloths as curtain panels and put them up with these clip things you can get at Target. You don’t have to make any holes and the table cloths already have a hem and they generally come in really close-to-curtain sizes, so no changes need to be made.

Also, one little other tip for you – these things are so awesome. Command makes these little velcro picture hanging strip things. You put one end on the picture, the other on the wall, and it makes picture hanging so incredibly easy. The only problem is some of the frames are too thin to use it on, but most of mine worked with it just fine.

I used push pins for the others – does anyone else stick push pins in the wall all the time – for light stuff – instead of nails because you’re super lazy? haha

Posted by Lauren

Instagram: Anniversary Edition

Saturday, May 19th, was my 5th anniversary. My husband Sam and I have been together since September 2003 (next year, an entire decade!). We got engaged May 20th, 2004 – so it was an entire weekend of anniversaries.

Without sounding too cheesy, he’s my best friend. And he puts up with my craziness, even though he’s silly and hates people. 😉 He also does crazy things like eat beef tongue, seafood & liver for me. And he puts up with my adventures, my trying everything (and dropping it without finishing it) and the fact that I never shut up. Ever.

(And play 52×3 pickup.)

And I’m convinced we were made for each other. We’re both crazy libertarian-leaning, Ron Paul loving, Catholics. We rarely fight, not for-real fight, and we’re dry and deadpan and we get each other.

For our anniversary, we bought authentic Mexican tacos out of the back of a gas station. We’re fancy people round here.

We also spent the day outside.. and at the end of the day, we chased the sounds of a party, which I think was coming from Pat Sajak’s house (he lives across the river from us!) And.. scary sounds in the woods.. which I am convinced was a wild hog alligator hybrid swamp creature.

Oh yes.

Posted by Lauren

Draw Something Wednesday: Friday Star Wars Edition

So I’m late, whatev.

I’m watching Raising Helen right now. I love this movie!

Go to last week’s Draw Something if you haven’t already.

This week is a mini-Star Wars edition. (Which I probably should have posted on May the Fourth, eh??)

You know Ewoks are just teddy bears with light-sabers, right? RIGHT?!

Don’t forget to add your link if you decide to play along (which you really really should!)

Posted by Lauren
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Quick Takes

I don’t think I’m going to do this every week, but I think I will today. 😀 Just because my friend Tina did it. There.


Let’s see.. you guys should definitely go back one post and read the Draw Something post and participate. If you don’t, I will cry. You don’t really want to make someone cry, do you? That’s kind of mean.


So, since January, we have been in the “process” of trying to move. Our landlord was going to sell our house, and our lease was up in March, so we were going to take that chance to move out of Maryland and back to where I grew up in PA. Well, that is not working out. And then like a month or so ago, our landlord told us that they decided they’re not going to sell now, at least not this year, so we can stay and we could go month to month in rent until June and then we would have to sign a 6-8 month lease through the “worst rental times of the year”. So, we decided that we really did want to leave and we would go ahead and keep looking until the end of May.

Well, there are no signs of anything happening, we’re running out of time to actually be able to move so I think we’ve decided to go ahead and stay and sign that lease. I’m really frustrated that I’ve essentially wasted the last four months stressing and worrying over this, just for it to end anti-climatically, but what are you going to do? Plus, we have all of our books packed up.. how will I live? haha And the house.. is a mess.. and now we have to live with boxes in piles and all of that, which isn’t particularly thrilling to me.

Additionally, I’m frustrated because my sister is leaving in August and instead of trying to save money all this time knowing that we’d be up there by the beginning of summer, I could have been regularly visiting. So yeah, I’m pretty mad about the whole thing.


On the other hand (look at me trying to be optimistic), because of timing and more money being saved and a few other things I don’t really want to explain/get into right  now, this leaves us with the possible opportunity of going somewhere else at the end of the lease.. as in.. not Harrisburg, PA. Maybe Pittsburgh, PA, where I have other family.. or maybe somewhere fancy like NYC or like.. I dunno.. Maine. It also means that because of how much we already have saved and how much time we’ll have left, we can now do a few things like:

– buy a second car (we’re thinking about a new car.. first one ever in my life, that would be exciting!)

– get me an iPad

– pay off a bit of debt.

– buy a new bed or couch (badly, badly needed)

– go to Joplin, MO (see next number)

– actually leave the house on the weekend

– go to the bank, get out lots of bills, throw them on the bed and wallow around in them screaming “We’re rich! We’re rich!”

(anyway, pick two.. or something)


Ok.. Joplin, MO. Clearly, everyone’s favorite vacation spot, hence why we’re going there. Haha. Orrrr maybe it’s because my husband’s family lives there. Yeah, that could be it. So, yeah, my husband is from Joplin and I lived there from 2005 until 2009, when we moved out here and due to life getting in the way, we have yet to go back and visit. It’s bad, I know (luckily, we were able to at least some some family when we went to Colorado at the end of 2010). We planned on going in January, but then we found out about having to move, so that got postponed until after our move. Well, now we should be able to go, though I’m still not sure exactly when but at least we can start thinking about it again.

And I already have plans. Muah ha ha. You see, Elsie’s brick and mortar shop, Red Velvet Art is in Springfield, MO, oh yes, and I plan on seeing it in person.  Don’t worry, I’ll rub it in your face, and say things like “na na na na na” when I do. 😉

I’m also really interested in seeing Joplin since the tornado hit. I know a lot of cleanup has been done but I also know that it’s still pretty bad, so that should definitely be interesting.


Oh my gosh, the way I talk, I’m never going to get through this.  Uhh, okay, so my face gets twitchy and weird feeling after I take B vitamins. Is that weird? Dr. Google isn’t telling me anything. haha

Also, Stinky Puppy is snoring right now.

Also, I just finished reading Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver. It’s not as good as Delirium, but I still really like it. I dunno.. 2nd book syndrome.. except the ending. I still want to give it 4/5 stars though. The 3rd one needs to be out now though.

Also, I want to do Birchbox. But I can’t decide if I want to do Birchbox or BeautyArmy or Eco-Emi. Probably Birchbox though since I gifted it to a friend for Christmas and I’ve been wanting to since.


I hate May and June and July. I hate May because of Mother’s Day, June because my mom died in June 2003 and because of Father’s Day and July because my dad died in July this last year. It’s going to be rough, especially coming up on the first anniversary of my dad’s death. :/


But.. May also has my wedding anniversary.. May 19th.

So, yes, my five year wedding anniversary is coming up! Five years! I don’t know what we’re doing (I wouldn’t mind jewelry.. haha) or anything but yeah, definitely cool.

Technically May also has my “engagement day” anniversary haha. We got engaged on May 20th, 2004, so that was like a million years ago.

So, yeah there we go. 7 “quick” takes. If I was the one who created and named this, it would definitely be “7 long, endless rambles”, just saying.

Posted by Lauren
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Draw Something Wednesday

Hey! It’s Wednesday, which means my new feature which I just made up and happens to be on a Wednesday and I can’t promise it will stay on Wednesday and probably will forget to continue because I am a spazz-face.. duh duh duh.. called Draw Something Wednesday!

So, here’s how it goes.. I’m going to post some Draw Something pictures from the week or whenever, and then you’re going to leave me awesome comments and then you are going to link us to YOUR Draw Something pics! You can post them to your own blog (more fun that way) or link to wherever you want (twitter, twitpic, etc..) Feel free to add more than one link! You don’t have to make them fancy or anything, I just like playing around with filters.

We’re going to do it blog hop style, so make sure you add your link to the Blog Hop thingy at the bottom of the page and then visit any blogs that are on there. Feel free to put the code on your blog as well.

I think most of my readers have disappeared so it might be empty for awhile, but hopefully some of you guys are still hanging around and will play!

Because, well, it’s fun, and everyone loves fun.

And just to show you that you don’t have to post just “good” ones or cute ones, but any will do, I will show you my greatest masterpiece.

Don’t forget to add your link. They can be artistic or funny or whatever you feel like showing off!

P.S. Can you guess mine?

Posted by Lauren

Week in Instagrams

So, I have every intention of coming back and then I write one little post and then disappear again. I am such a bad blogger. I fail, forgive me??

My husband and I are currently in the process of trying to figure out a move. He is looking for a job first, before we can move, and this is where we’re being held up. Pray that this can get sorted out soon, as it has been a tiring last few months. Where I actually love change, I like it to happen quickly. If it doesn’t, I tend to forget about everything else in life and think only of whatever is changing. I am very much the sort that cannot go forward if I have anything hanging over my head! Which, of course, makes for a very stressful life.

Pictures! So, I was so excited that Scramble With Friends accepted TATAR that I had to take a screen shot. 😀 That’s my maiden name.

Lots of Stinky Puppy, of course..

Ok, so I LOVE Ron Paul, if you didn’t know, and I got to go hear him speak (for the 2nd time!) at the University of Maryland. It was a great speech, as always.

I LOVE dandelions like this.. when they’re white and flowy. In fact, I want to get a tattoo with one just like that.. with the white fluffy bit flowing off into the wind. (Also, could someone please come over to my house and calibrate my monitor on my MacBook?? All my photos are soooo yellowy/orangey/golden..y. I TRIED doing it myself, but apparently I have no ability to discern colors!)

Totally same picture, but I like both filters.. can’t choose man!!

Random pics..

PA, my home state! We went up to PA for Easter, so I took these on the way. I can’t think of anything more PA than barns, so there you go. 😉

And finally.. these are from my Dad’s Navy yearbook. (Technically the last one isn’t Instagram – yes, I’m a cheater!) He was about 19 in that picture.

Posted by Lauren
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Dancing Stinky Puppy

♪♫♪♫ i’m so stinky la la la ♪♫♪&#9835

Posted by Lauren

Draw Something

Does anyone here play Draw Something on their phones? I’d love to play with you. You can find me through my email address.

Here’s my latest masterpiece. What do you guys think?

Posted by Lauren

Saying Good-bye to GFC

Just wanted to drop in and let you know that starting tomorrow, Google will be getting rid of Google Friend Connect for non-Blogger blogs. (That little “follow me” box over on the side of my blog!)

And since I am hosted on WordPress, that includes me. (Which, pretty much stinks, because I really liked the community it allowed.)


For those of you still around (all two of you!) you can still follow me using other options!


Facebook Page

Feed – which you can read in the reader of your choice!

So, please stick around and follow me in another way!


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Posted by Lauren
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