What Draws You In?


What kind of things are you drawn to – as in when you happen to come across them, you can’t keep yourself away, suck you in, maybe inspire or excite?

The brain – I love to hear the way other people think or process information, love getting inside their head, trying to determine how they tick, how they view life, the lens through which they see things. How the brain itself works, the different patterns and sections that work and when. Anything related to thinking/processing is completely fascinating to me and sucks me in immediately. I also love to “problem solve” thinking when I see people talking past one another – conflict resolution with misunderstandings (in comparison to maybe emotional conflict resolution).

Visionary people – Love Steve Jobs.. reading his quotes and thinking, thinking how his designs have impacted the world, how he has managed to both usher in a PC world, and the start of a post-PC world (think iPad). Very awe-inspiring.

Nostalgia – being drawn in by smells or music, remembering different moments in childhood. It’s one of the easiest ways to draw out my emotions as well. Just yesterday, I went to Farmer’s Fair, which is a fair that the small town I grew up near has every year, and I watched the marching band perform, and because of a certain combination of things – it was pouring down raining, the woodwinds weren’t performing so it was just the drumline and brass and so was a more intense sound – made me miss it, not all of it, but certain parts of it – the performing moment, the push to go on in even in the rain, the friends, the integrity/pride.. The whole fair (and parade) went on last night even though it was pouring and everyone was soaked and all of the bands cancelled except ours – but yet, people stayed, a lot of people stayed. (I really don’t think a lot of places/people would do that.) I dunno, something about that..

Mood/atmosphere/intensity – This is what draws me in music and art.. art/photography needs to be intense (not necessarily emotionally intense) or expansive/vast. I’m drawn to music with strong sound – rock anthems or blues, strong brass, dissonance. No light-hearted or pop music.. To rain and thunderstorms over sun.. Winter and fall over spring and summer. To strong words. Atmosphere of a group/event, not the event itself.

Fascinating characters – I’m not quite sure how to explain this one, but I get giddy when I read or watch certain complex characters.. like Severus Snape from Harry Potter, or Dr. House.. I can’t get enough of them.

Charisma – I’m not talking elite, snobby people who seem to charm everyone around them with their fakeness or sex appeal – but passionate, inspiring, real people who put themselves out there and do it completely. The Joseph Gordon-Levitt video I linked to last week is a great example of the kind of people I’m thinking of.

What kind of things draw you in? Please share here in the comments or write a post of your own and link back to me.

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Ramblings on Catholic Life

Entering Catholic Church 2009

In 2009, my husband and I entered the Catholic Church. It’s been a really interesting (amazing, bittersweet, odd at times) journey. I was raised Baptist, and attended a variety of evangelical churches in high school and college. I even went to an evangelical college. And these experiences are an important part of my life, but I’m glad to be “home”. I love the Catholic Church and I believe it to be true, which means that I agree with all of the doctrine (or else I would not be Catholic).

I’d like to write more about the journey someday, and I will, but right now I just want to ramble a little.

I’m currently reading two books that are geared toward pregnancy and being Catholic. One is called Prayerfully Expecting: A Nine-Month Novena for Mothers to Be and the other is A Catholic Mother’s Companion to Pregnancy: Walking with Mary from Conception to Baptism

I’m struggling to get through the first, because I haven’t taken the time to actually pray the prayers in there, haha, but the second has been wonderful, I definitely recommend it. I didn’t expect to get much out of it (because I can be very critical of Christian devotional books) but I’m happy to say that I love it and that I’ve needed it.

Also, we moved to this area earlier this year and have been looking for a parish to call home. We’ve visited a bunch and sort of had a default one, but still wanted to visit a few more. And this past Sunday, we went into Harrisburg (the big city, haha!) and visited a small, but cathedral style parish and I think we found our home. I love that it’s less suburban (and less evangelical-feeling), that it’s not a generic modern building and that it’s a beautiful old style Catholic church and that it’s more diverse culturally and age-wise. Most of the other ones around here are either all older people, or all suburban families (we live in the suburbs, so duh. lol). This is the closest to the parish we attended in Maryland, so I’m happy about that, because I really missed that one. We have one more to visit, it’s the huge typical city cathedral, and I’m looking forward to visiting that one, but I have a feeling this one is the better fit.. it’s in the hipstery part of town, so it probably is more us, since everyone calls us hipsters and all. 😛

But, it’s good, because we have to have a regular place to attend, one because that would be good for us, but two because I want to baptize my baby fairly soon after birth, and if we don’t have a parish, it’s going to be kind of hard to do that. So, I’m glad it’s finally sorting itself out. I know the one church we were going to said it wanted six months notice before baptism, and to contact them while still pregnant but another says to wait until after birth and they don’t need a huge notice.

One thing I love about being Catholic is when it’s time to go receive the Eucharist.. I like to watch everyone receive and they way they approach and think about their different lives, but also think about how everyone is coming together, unified, to receive the real body and blood of Christ and it’s beautiful.

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Favorite Baby Stuffs

We haven’t bought much yet – the crib, changing table, a bunch of clothes, some blankets, a tub, a travel bed and bassinet (though I might be getting a different one). We’re waiting until after the baby shower to buy most of the furniture. But I can’t help but pick up small, cute things along the way. 😛 So, I went around and took pictures of my favorite things I’ve bought so far.

Crib blanket, from Etsy. I love it so much. It’s gray on the other side. (The blankets on the left and the back are actually my baby blankets from when I was little!) I love the crib too, it’s cherry.


Probably stroller blanket. (The gray blanket underneath is totally a Luftansa airline blanket that I stole 12 years ago. haha!)


Crib skirt from Etsy. The sheets will be gray with polka dots. I’m not doing a bumper, I don’t think they’re safe.


White trapper hat with bear ears! I have a white trapper hat too, we can be matching (except mine doesn’t have ears.. sniff).


More hats! First from Old Navy and the second was thrifted.


I got these at Old Navy.. ON has the best baby stuff. They go with my “woodland creatures” theme.


My favorite clothes so far. The first is Carter’s but the other two are Old Navy. I LOVE the navy blue/bright pink combo.


The beginning of my cloth diaper stash!


And finally.. not technically baby stuff.. hehe.. but pregnancy body pillow, which is the best thing ever. I got it from Bump Nest. It’s pretty filled and it’s taken me a bit to get used to it (made me ache all over for the first week), but now it’s fantastic. It’s also great for sitting up in bed reading.


So, the nursery will be gray and bright pink. The crib skirt, sheets, changing table cover, walls and curtains will be gray. And for the wall art/decor, I want woodland creatures – foxes, squirrels, bears, skunks, hedgehogs, racoons, etc.

I’m actually going to try to draw some art myself and frame it. I even bought Illustration School: Let’s Draw Cute Animals to help me draw them, hehe.

If you’re bored or feel the need to randomly buy me things haha, you can check out my registries:

Babies R Us


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Haiku: Stick Man

I wrote this haiku years ago, and I was thinking it would be really cool to do a collaboration with someone using it.

little man in book

he whispers murderous plots

peculiar man, dance!

I envision a stop motion video of a flip book with a stick figure running across the pages of a book (where the pages are also moving). (All of a sudden I just got flashes of Teeny Little Super Guy, anyone else?) I’d love to try to do this myself, but uhh, huge learning curve.. who knows, maybe I’ll try anyway! But I’d really love to hear ideas from other people.

(Now is a good time to mention that all of my work is under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, which means anyone is free to share, remix and make commercial use of my work as long as I receive credit and it’s published under this same license. Please click link to read more.)

If you have an account at HitRecord.org, you can collaborate with me over there. Orrrr.. you can just follow me! I’d love to see your work!

Even if you are not interested in collaboration (no big deal, I just thought I’d mention it in passing), I’d love if you’d share with me what you think.. what ideas this inspires? What do you like/dislike about it? What does it make you think of/what do you think it means?

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Weekend Links

1. “You’re a stay-at-home mom? What do you DO all day?” – This post has been going around my Facebook and Twitter like crazy. What I like about it is that the author doesn’t answer the question, at least not in great detail. Because the truth is, the question is the wrong question to ask, there is a bigger picture here and he goes there. I also like that he doesn’t pit SAHM against working mom, despite the comments that seem to say otherwise (are they reading the same article?)

2. Dilbert Introvert Strip – hehehe

3. What Pope Francis is REALLY saying. Really. – A friend of mine wrote this and I thought it was fantastic.

4. Christ, have mercy on us – Another friend, another fantastic post.

5. Um, Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

Other Weekend Links.

Posted by Lauren

Dreams: Kidnapping & Robbery

Last night, I dreamed I was getting ready to go with my sister and her friends to a fair, but had forgotten something back at my house. The house was the house I grew up in (but was apparently currently living in). The door was slightly open, so I thought someone forgot to lock, but we hadn’t been gone long. But as I walked in, I started getting a bad feeling, so I called out to see if anyone was there. I heard noise in the basement, then guy came up with a child and I tried to back out the front door but he blocked me.

I’m not sure what started happening over the next bit, but the guy was in another room, so I started talking to the child and trying to memorize what he looked like in case I had to give a description to the police (I would normally never remember the details of someone’s face; I had to give it special attention – and oddly his face was quite detailed in this dream, despite my usual dreams where faces are not). He had blonde hair and blue-ish green eyes and a more oval/pointier face, probably about five years old and said he was kidnapped from Westmoreland County, outside of Pittsburgh, around three hours away (an odd fact to show up, as I didn’t realize I knew this county name..) I listened to him talk and tried to make him feel calm, but he was very calm, chatty and matter-of-fact.

The man came back in the room and I think was losing patience and finally pointed a gun at my head. I started praying silently for myself but mostly for the boy, that he’d get out safely and get home, my thoughts were completely on him and the situation.

The man then looked at the child and gave him directions with his eyes – telling him to shoot me. The child pulled out a gun and aimed, but looked conflicted – the man didn’t see the confliction and I tried to avoid calling attention. But I knew in that moment that the man had taught him to shoot and the boy had done this before, he would not shoot me.

He aimed the gun at the man’s head and shot him dead with one, decisive shot.

There was some scrambling around, I dialed 911 and then woke up.

Posted by Lauren

At the Dog Park

IMG_4508 IMG_4195 photo 2

We’ve been taking Stinky Puppy to the dog park, maybe four times now. She’s funny. She refuses to play with other dogs in the way they play, she loves the humans, and her herding instinct definitely exists. She tries to break up the other dogs when they play (she’ll “yell” at them) and push them into corners – runs at them. I love it. (I’ll have to try to get a video of this next time..)

The other doggy parents think she’s nervous and/or there is something wrong, but I was positive from the beginning she was just herding. In fact, I read that this is all normal of “herding style play”, but it’s obvious to me that the other dog owners don’t understand her, which is sort of frustrating.

I think this article on herding dogs and the comments are interesting, seems true to my experience. Poor Stinky Puppy, she finally has a “job”, but it’s not well received.

(Also, stop commenting on my dog. It’s annoying. Is this what future “mommy groups” are going to be like when I have my baby? Eww. If dog parks are any indication of the future and my parenting skills, well, let’s just say that I am already out of the “regulars clique” and my dog is a hall monitor. hehe)

Pretty sure the other dogs see her coming and think “oh great, who let the aussie shepherd in?!”

Posted by Lauren

Who Are You?


I could say that I am a wife, I have a dog and a cat and I’m pregnant with a baby girl, that I like snail mail, books and my favorite animal is a fox. That I am Catholic and libertarian. That I think I’m funny, smart and complex. They’re all things about me, important things, but none of them really capture a person, their essence, their core. What a person likes or who they are in relation to another person.. what a person does, none of those things are me.

I ramble outloud a lot, this is how I think, going from thought to thought and running with them. Most people don’t like this, find it confusing or subject changing, so I’ve had to hide it a lot.. I get tired of being called random or being misunderstood, it’s exhausting. I don’t like hiding things about myself because I feel like I need to be authentic, honest, raw all the time and I expect the same from other people but very few people give the same.. I feel like my purpose in life, my purpose – not our purpose – but my single purpose is to find my purpose. I don’t have a goal, my goal is to find the goal. I dream a lot, like actual dreams and I remember my dreams and in them people from my life don’t have very detailed faces – they are abstract versions of them, somewhat visually detailed but fuzzy, but in the dream I know who they are – sometimes the faces interchange, but they remain the same person, the same essence. I never dream about normal things either – like standing in front of a crowd naked or flying or falling or whatever..

Others see me as contradictory or indecisive, but consistency is boring, unfulfilling, being open to life and changes and new information is exciting – I love trying new things, new experiences, and it’s not even just trying the experience for the sake of it, but I want the entire experience. I don’t like the blunt, the quick, the simplistic. Nothing seems simplistic, mere summaries don’t expand enough, don’t capture the nuance – the full view of what is trying to come across.

I hate when people take one thing I’m interested in and assume things about me, and forget to look at the entirety of things I’ve done or what I’ve said. It’s very rare that I don’t have good intentions, please don’t question or assume my motives just because you don’t understand them. I don’t understand how people don’t assume good intentions as a base in others, if not good intentions – how do you communicate with others? There has to be a starting point, on some similar page, some bit of charity.. otherwise how do you even speak on a daily basis? (Motive is more important than results, the process is larger than the ending. I always think in motives and sometimes I think these things are obvious.)

I’m very forgiving, I can get very upset in the moment, and I need a little time to process after that, but it doesn’t take me long to get through. I don’t really understand revenge. I understand both sides of a situation, sometimes so much so that I have trouble choosing which makes the most sense, which is true, which is Truth. But I view life through worldviews and I can jump worldviews, and see things through that particulary one, even if it is different from my own. That doesn’t always mean I think that person is right, but sometimes I can appreciate that they’re at least consistent with their own worldview.

I’m attracted to deep, dark, complicating and messy. I don’t care for cliches, cheesy sayings, common quotes, niceties, meaningless words.

If Marmee shook her fist instead of kissing her hand to us, it would serve us right, for more ungrateful wretches than we are were never seen,” cried Jo, taking a remorseful satisfaction in the snowy walk and bitter wind. “Don’t use such dreadful expressions,” replied Meg from the depths of the veil in which she had shrouded herself like a nun sick of the world.

“I like good strong words that mean something,” replied Jo, catching her hat as it took a leap off her head preparatory to flying away altogether.– Little Women

Emotions are confusing, they feel outside myself, pressed upon me, but simultaneously deep within, bubbling up to the surface when pressed upon me from outside. Like a pressure cooker. I don’t know, it’s visual, most things are impressionistic and visual, that’s why I talk with my hands a lot, so I can show you what I’m thinking, what I’m feeling.

The moment eludes me, I miss a lot of things, and sometimes I feel like I’m flailing about through life – living the past or living in the future, living in possibilities and potential.

Posted by Lauren

On Where I Ramble On High School, Glee and Justice

So, you’re probably going to make fun of me, but I watch Glee. I like it, I like that it rings true to what I took out of my own high school experience, even though my experience was twelve years ago. No, I wasn’t slushied and I really wasn’t made fun of, in fact I had a generally good high school experience – but the kind of people and the kind of relationships/interactions are familiar to me. Most depictions of high school are not relatable to me – I suppose mine was less stereotypical than the norm. I was in marching band and choir and so of course, the overall music plot is familiar, but it’s not really that – it’s really about the relationships, interactions, the things they deal with, the “realness” of it – the willingness to talk about things.. that existed in my high school life.

Glee is going to be doing a memorial episode on Thursday for the actor Cory Monteith, who died of drug abuse this summer. I hate reading hate comments about his death, because it was drugs. I hate this sort of thing – I hate that people aren’t willing to understand anything about struggles or addictions – that even if they don’t understand addiction, that at the very least, they could care that a person’s life is involved. It’s sickening to see people write “he deserved it” – I don’t understand others’ views of justice. I don’t relate to this need to see people “get what they deserve” – not in drugs, not even in criminals. Justice isn’t born out of some kind of revengeful bitterness, true justice is born out of love and respect for people. There is mercy in justice, they’re intertwined in a way.

Oddly, out of all the celebrity deaths I’ve “been through”, even big names, his has hit me the hardest. His age, his personality, that I watch the show.. It feels more real. The homage show is going to be very hard to watch, especially knowing some of the songs that will be sung.

(You can more Cory Monteith tribute songs here.)

Posted by Lauren

Pregnancy: 21 & 25 Weeks

Yay, back pics! Well, just the first one, the second one was taken today.

21 Weeks


25 Weeks


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