Pregnancy: Pregnant Sisters

Both my sister and I are pregnant and we (finally) got around to getting photos of ourselves, which is good because she is about to explode babies everywhere..

She is 38 weeks and I’m 29 weeks. Any guesses on our ages (if you don’t already know)? Just curious.

Don’t really know what’s going on in that second to last picture, but it’s funny. lol Husband says I was measuring our bellies..

(Anyone willing to attempt to get that car out of the first pic for me, haha? I exhausted my own amateur skills and can’t get anything that looks reasonable.)

Image - Nov 8, 2013 15.50.44

Image - Nov 8, 2013 15.55.52

Image - Nov 8, 2013 15.57.49

Image - Nov 8, 2013 16.01.22

Image - Nov 8, 2013 15.56.59

Image - Nov 8, 2013 16.09.05

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What Are You Doing?


Things I am doing right now:

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Pregnancy: 28 Weeks

vintage baby carriage

We had a great visit with Sam’s family this weekend, lots of laughter. They brought with them some things that were Sam’s when he was a baby – clothes, lots of blankets, sleep sacks and a vintage baby buggy from Germany (they were stationed in Germany when he was little).

Kitty is enjoying her new carriage!

And me at 28 weeks.

28 weeks pregnant

And one more picture.. a friend took this a few weeks ago and I think it’s my favorite picture of us.


Oh, and we saw Ender’s Game yesterday.. it was great! I read the book for the first time recently (it’s one of Sam’s favorite books and he’s been bugging me forever) and loved it. I’m actually almost done with the next one in the series right now – Speaker for the Dead – it’s very different from the first, but I think even better, it’s a lot deeper and more complex.

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Happy Halloween!

Buzz Buzz from Stinky Puppy Bee!

IMG_4639 IMG_4654IMG_4655 IMG_4657

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Dreams & Pumpkin Carving

Not a super fascinating life-changing dream last night but I liked it. I dreamed I was working in a library, which I totally would love to do. I wasn’t a librarian, but just stacked books, went through donations, things like that. Which.. kinda sounds like fun, especially going through all of the books and deciding what to keep, sell or discard.

This weekend husband’s parents and brother are coming from Missouri to visit us before the baby comes. We’re also getting a second couch for the living room from Craigslist tonight. It’s in gray like our Ikea couch, but it’s not on legs, so I am hoping that we’ll be able to put it on legs, but it’s the best choice we’ve found – I’ve been stalking for months. (Sadly, we missed the exact same Ikea couch we already have. And we don’t get very much Ikea stuff around here since the closest is an hour and a half away.)

Yesterday, husband and I carved pumpkins. I think it’s cool looking at all the intricate designs and commercial patterns others do, but I like more traditional looking jack-o’-lanterns the best.

Mine’s on the left and husband’s is on the right. (Doesn’t his look like an adorable out-of-control baby vampire? SAY YES.)



So, show me your pumpkins!

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A Real Pregnancy Moment

At 28 weeks pregnant, I wouldn’t have imagined not feeling pregnant. Struggling with sickness more than the first half of the pregnancy, being weak-and-exhausted-and-barely-functioning, a growing tummy, I certainly felt physically uncomfortable.

But the joy? The realization? It was missing. After trying to get pregnant since I got married, you would think I would be thrilled – bursting – bonding with the life inside? My head and my body knew I was carrying a life, but I cried more wishing I had more emotions than from actually having emotions. And it hasn’t helped that people seem to not notice that I’m pregnant (where are all these supposed hoards of pregnancy-belly-groping-women?)

During Mass this morning, walking back from receiving our Lord in the Eucharist, I made eye contact with a lady sitting by herself in the front of the cathedral. She smiled at me, with a look in her eyes and I knew immediately she recognized I’m pregnant. It was only a smile, but I knew. And in that moment, for the first time, I felt pregnant. I am truly carrying a life – my daughter entrusted to my husband and me by God – and when I returned to my seat, I teared up for just a small moment, tears of joy, tears that represented life, the future, something bigger than myself.

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A Problem Calls for Expression

I stumbled upon this quote from a friend’s blog, I haven’t read this book (yet, but now I would like to) but I wanted to share it with you. I have some thoughts about it, but I don’t think I can put them into words yet – mostly revolve around the concept of joy and beauty in suffering.

It is when we are finally stumped, when we can think of nothing more that we can do, that we can most easily – though even then it is not, simply, easy – appreciate that problems are not just things calling for solutions. A problem is, more essentially, a unique situation calling for expression. It calls for a poet, a painter, a composer. And sometimes, in God’s providence, we may be that poet or painter or composer. Each individual situation in our world is an artistic, rather than an administrative, challenge. If we would inherit the earth, it must be, not by competent administration, but by something much more like artistic sensitivity and creativity.

It is surely the meek, those whose instinct is not to rush out and do something, but rather to look, helpless, passive before reality, and then, in union with God’s Word, to be, so speak, the word which releases each creature into itself, it is they who can enjoy a proper lordship in the earth. So do not get heated because of the wicked, there is no future in them or your fury. Rather rejoice hugely in the Lord and be content to rest in his truthfulness and to gaze with wonder upon the world of his making, and, with the eye of faith and hope, to see that world in the making even in the despair and helplessness of the world of everyday experience.

Father Simon Tugwell, O.P.
The Beatitudes: Soundings in Christian Traditions, pp. 46-47

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Random Thursday: Fave things to do in the fall

RTlogo newkat

Tonight we just did something I got to do for the first time ever..

My own fire! I’m living in the first place I’ve ever lived that has a fireplace.. it took us awhile to actually get it going, because neither of us have ever built a fireplace fire, but we finally got it going. It’s just now starting to die down, and that was over four hours ago.

We even roasted marshmallows (star-shaped 4th of July marshmallows from who knows how many years ago.. haha).

Fall was already my favorite season.. but this makes it even better.

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Twenty20: Photo Challenges

dark silhouette
sign light

Dark, Silhouettes, Signs, Light

I entered some photo challenges on Twenty20! There are a few small prizes, but mostly they’re for exposure, which is really what I want anyway. That and it’s kinda fun to enter a photo challenges!

Anyway, I was hoping you guys would take to the time to vote for my photos!

(Vote by clicking on each photo or the links below the photos.)

Thank you so much.

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Twenty20: Buying and Selling Instagram Photos

twenty20-fizleglitz is a website that allows you to connect to Instagram, upload your photos and sell them on canvas, as framed prints or greeting cards or even as cell phone cases – allowing you to share your iPhoneography with the world.

I just recently updated my gallery and I would love if you’d have a look. Personally, I’m thinking about buying some of my own photos just so I can see them framed and feel special, haha!

And if you have a gallery, please share it here, I’d love to look at your work!

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