Weekend Links

(Wednesday Edition! What?! We do things crazy around here. haha. Right. So.)

10 Ways to Get Schooled Online – Links to online classes, which is something that I really like, so I don’t know if you would or not..

10 Ways to Turn a Scarf into a Vest – I think this is pretty cool. I’m going to try a few of them.

12 Ways to Drink Your Beer And Eat It Too – because, I love beer. Duh.

• A picture taken in Normandy, France. It has sheep, so you should probably go look at it.

How kitties make pizza. Because kitties are cute.


Check out the rest of my Weekly Links.

Posted by Lauren
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20 Questions Day Six: Do you play an instrument?

Oops, I didn’t write yesterday because I wasn’t feeling very well. But I’m feeling much better today.

Do you play an instrument? If not, what would you want to play if you could?

Yep, I play the trumpet. I had private lessons and I was in all the band stuff in high school and college. But I do still play, just not as often as I want to. I’d like to be involved in something again at some point.

I also asked for an acoustic guitar my senior year of high school and taught myself how to play. I’m not good, haha, I’m just a chord player, but that’s why I wanted it – just to casually jam/sing along. I never really wanted to learn more than that.

Those are my main instruments, I’m pretty confident it would be easy enough for me to learn any other brass instrument.. I’ve played around with the French horn, baritone, trombone.. I liked playing on the French horn.

I’d love to learn the piano. I never had that chance, but I can finger peck well enough, and play some chords, just like the guitar, ha. It just works better for the guitar. 😉 And I’d like to learn the sax.

I have a ukulele but I haven’t figured it out yet haha.

[20 Questions]

1. What age did you learn to ride a bike?
2. Do you remember your first day of kindergarten? What was it like?
3. What was your first car? What did you love/hate about it?
4. Who is/are your hero(es)?
5. What is one of your favorite memories from your childhood?
6. Do you play an instrument? If not, what would you want to play if you could?
7. What’s something on your “bucket list”?
8. What were you like in middle school? What were your clothing/music choices? (Around 12 years old.)
9. What is something adventurous you’d like to do someday?
10. Do you believe in anything “odd” – UFOs, ghosts, horoscopes, superstitions, etc.?
11. What’s something you’re interested in that no one really knows about or no one would really understand?
12. What’s your favorite nostalgic song? What does it remind you of?
13. If you could learn one new skill or pick up a new hobby, what would you like to do?
14. What’s your favorite book? Magazine?
15. What’s your religion/religious beliefs?
16. What are you going to name your children? Or, what are your favorite names in general?
17. Who was your childhood best friend? Do you still keep in touch?
18. Tell us your life philosophy?
19. Tell us a secret talent!
20. Create your own question and answer it!

Check out the other 20 Questions, grab my badge and join in!

(If you’re viewing this in a reader, you might have to come out to see the badge code..)

Posted by Lauren
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Weekly Instagrams


Stinky puppy on the stairs // seagulls out on the water // stairs in the woods leading to the beach // heart polaroid // nonpariel // gushers “molecule”! // chicken paprikash // way too many groceries! // husband’s bald head

Happy Friday!

I think I’m going to do that 52 Weeks of Instagrams thingy, but umm, I can’t start it in the middle of the year, gosh, that’s crazy talk. haha. So, we’ll just do it anyway but “unofficially” until the start of the year, right? Right!

I made chicken paprikash this week. It’s a Hungarian (I’m a quarter Hungarian!) dish with chicken, drop dumplings, onions and a sauce thickened with sour cream and with a ton of Hungarian sweet paprika. It’s so good!

Tomorrow I’m going to the York Fair up in PA with my family. I haven’t been there in forever, haven’t been to any fair in forever. I don’t like funnel cake (I know, I’m weird) but I can’t wait to eat other yummy junk.

And I have to get an obligatory ferris wheel picture so I can be a proper hipster, right?

P.S. Check out the 20 Questions series I’ve been doing and please join in! I’m taking a break for the weekend, so now would be a good time to catch up.

Posted by Lauren

20 Questions Day Five: Favorite childhood memory

What is your favorite childhood memory?

When I was little, my dad wore a suit to work and carried a briefcase. (This is funny if you knew him in his tattoed, shaved head, Harley-riding days!) When he got home from work, my mom and I would sometimes greet him at the door with a basket, and I would yell, “mater-checking time”!

We grew cherry tomatoes in the backyard and we would check regularly to see if there were new ones to be picked. We’d wait for Dad to get home so we could all check them together.

And sometimes I would mess with the spinning-number locks on his briefcase and it would make him mad, because he wouldn’t bother locking it, so he’d have to put the code in again and again. 😉

And I would sit on my dad’s lap and watch football and WWF wrestling. (Steelers and Hulk Hogan, duh.)

But, the best part was mater-checking time!


[20 Questions]

1. What age did you learn to ride a bike?
2. Do you remember your first day of kindergarten? What was it like?
3. What was your first car? What did you love/hate about it?
4. Who is/are your hero(es)?
5. What is one of your favorite memories from your childhood?
6. Do you play an instrument? If not, what would you want to play if you could?
7. What’s something on your “bucket list”?
8. What were you like in middle school? What were your clothing/music choices? (Around 12 years old.)
9. What is something adventurous you’d like to do someday?
10. Do you believe in anything “odd” – UFOs, ghosts, horoscopes, superstitions, etc.?
11. What’s something you’re interested in that no one really knows about or no one would really understand?
12. What’s your favorite nostalgic song? What does it remind you of?
13. If you could learn one new skill or pick up a new hobby, what would you like to do?
14. What’s your favorite book? Magazine?
15. What’s your religion/religious beliefs?
16. What are you going to name your children? Or, what are your favorite names in general?
17. Who was your childhood best friend? Do you still keep in touch?
18. Tell us your life philosophy?
19. Tell us a secret talent!
20. Create your own question and answer it!

Check out the other 20 Questions, grab my badge and join in!

(If you’re viewing this in a reader, you might have to come out to see the badge code..)

Posted by Lauren
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20 Questions Day Four: Who are your heroes?

Who are your heroes?

I have a slew of people I look up to – Ron Paul, St. Thomas Aquinas, G.K. Chesterton. Ron Paul because of his life-long tireless fighting for liberty and the Constitution, St. Thomas Aquinas for his theology, and G.K. Chesterton for his theology and humor.

Steve Jobs was a fascinating person, I read a biography on him and I admired his creativity, vision and I even had a soft spot for his controversial personality. What can I say, I like difficult people.

All heroes in a way.

But, my dad, he’s my real hero. He died of cancer last summer, and I miss him more than anything. I’ve always looked up to him since I was really little, I was always a daddy’s girl. I’ve always seen him as strong, brave, a Mr. Fix-it (ha!), loving, funny and generous, all things I very much admire in a person, things I want to see in myself – especially the strength and bravery. I don’t know if he would have said he had these qualities, but it doesn’t matter because that’s how I see him.

And of course, he’s my daddy, what girl doesn’t see her daddy as her hero?

[20 Questions]

1. What age did you learn to ride a bike?
2. Do you remember your first day of kindergarten? What was it like?
3. What was your first car? What did you love/hate about it?
4. Who is/are your hero(es)?
5. What is one of your favorite memories from your childhood?
6. Do you play an instrument? If not, what would you want to play if you could?
7. What’s something on your “bucket list”?
8. What were you like in middle school? What were your clothing/music choices? (Around 12 years old.)
9. What is something adventurous you’d like to do someday?
10. Do you believe in anything “odd” – UFOs, ghosts, horoscopes, superstitions, etc.?
11. What’s something you’re interested in that no one really knows about or no one would really understand?
12. What’s your favorite nostalgic song? What does it remind you of?
13. If you could learn one new skill or pick up a new hobby, what would you like to do?
14. What’s your favorite book? Magazine?
15. What’s your religion/religious beliefs?
16. What are you going to name your children? Or, what are your favorite names in general?
17. Who was your childhood best friend? Do you still keep in touch?
18. Tell us your life philosophy?
19. Tell us a secret talent!
20. Create your own question and answer it!

Check out the other 20 Questions, grab my badge and join in!

(If you’re viewing this in a reader, you might have to come out to see the badge code..)

Posted by Lauren
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Postcard: Baltimore Aquarium

Hey! This week is a postcard from the Baltimore Aquarium. I live near Baltimore but haven’t been there since I was little, but this is from that time.

I really want to go again though.

Puffins at baltimore aquarium postcard

National Aquarium in Baltimore

Common puffins are found in the Northern Atlantic Ocean and spend most of the year at sea. The black and white color pattern is common seabirds and often leads to confusion between puffins and penguins. However, penguins live south of the equator and are flightless, unlike puffins.

baltimore aquarium postcard

Check out the rest of my Postcard Project.

Posted by Lauren
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20 Questions Day Three: What was your first car?

What was your first car? What did you love/hate about it?

My first car was a 1985 black Dodge Lancer, with TURBO. haha I got it around senior year of high school, so around 2001. It was fantastic: the turbo didn’t work, it barely made it up hills and it would stall at red lights and in the middle of driving down the highway. I learned how to throw it into neutral approaching lights to prevent it from stalling.

Around the same time, my mom had a 1988 Ford Escort. I had to drive it to school many, many times when the Lancer wouldn’t start.

During my freshman year of college, my car finally died and the Escort became mine. In a way, they were both my first cars.

This car was two-toned blue and had a black side panel on it from where my mom got into an accident. I used to take it 85 mph on 83 between York and Harrisburg PA, to go to the airport. It barely made hills without a good start. It shook, like crazy shook.

I took the Escort to Missouri with me in 2005, drove it around Missouri and finally sold it after killing the under carriage driving over railroad tracks. We saw that car driving around Joplin all the time, up through when we moved back to the east coast in 2009.

I don’t have pictures of the Lancer – well, I do but they’re in a box somewhere. But, here’s the Escort!

Oh, and I was so cool with my bumper stickers plastered all over the back. 😉

Plus special guest appearance by not-yet husband!

[20 Questions]

1. What age did you learn to ride a bike?
2. Do you remember your first day of kindergarten? What was it like?
3. What was your first car? What did you love/hate about it?

4. Who is/are your hero(es)?
5. What is one of your favorite memories from your childhood?
6. Do you play an instrument? If not, what would you want to play if you could?
7. What’s something on your “bucket list”?
8. What were you like in middle school? What were your clothing/music choices? (Around 12 years old.)
9. What is something adventurous you’d like to do someday?
10. Do you believe in anything “odd” – UFOs, ghosts, horoscopes, superstitions, etc.?
11. What’s something you’re interested in that no one really knows about or no one would really understand?
12. What’s your favorite nostalgic song? What does it remind you of?
13. If you could learn one new skill or pick up a new hobby, what would you like to do?
14. What’s your favorite book? Magazine?
15. What’s your religion/religious beliefs?
16. What are you going to name your children? Or, what are your favorite names in general?
17. Who was your childhood best friend? Do you still keep in touch?
18. Tell us your life philosophy?
19. Tell us a secret talent!
20. Create your own question and answer it!

Check out the other 20 Questions, grab my badge and join in!

(If you’re viewing this in a reader, you might have to come out to see the badge code..)

Posted by Lauren

Polaroid Replicas: Polamatic App

Hey guys! I made these using the Polamatic app, which is really fun and makes your photos look like Polaroids. You can change up the border with different versions – new, almost new, crushed, dusty, pen, tape, etc. You can choose a filter as well.

unhappy stinky kitty says no paparazzi // stinky puppy looking cute // pretty sky // self-portrait of me in a cool hat haha // stinky kitty again // flower sketch on ipad

The last one is a sketch I did on my iPad, just trying to learn how to sketch on an iPad. It’s kind of fun, though difficult and I’m not sure I have the patience for it!

stinky kitty polaroid

stinky puppy

dark sky polaroid

self portrait

stinky kitty

flower sketch polaroid

Posted by Lauren

20 Questions Day Two: First day of kindergarten

Do you remember your first day of kindergarten? What was it like?

I vaguely remember the school and standing outside in line to wait for the bell to go in. My mom always told the story that instead of being upset like a lot of kids or not wanting their moms to leave, I turned to her and said, “Mommy, get get get!” and shooed her away.

[20 Questions]

1. What age did you learn to ride a bike?
2. Do you remember your first day of kindergarten? What was it like?

3. What was your first car? What did you love/hate about it?
4. Who is/are your hero(es)?
5. What is one of your favorite memories from your childhood?
6. Do you play an instrument? If not, what would you want to play if you could?
7. What’s something on your “bucket list”?
8. What were you like in middle school? What were your clothing/music choices? (Around 12 years old.)
9. What is something adventurous you’d like to do someday?
10. Do you believe in anything “odd” – UFOs, ghosts, horoscopes, superstitions, etc.?
11. What’s something you’re interested in that no one really knows about or no one would really understand?
12. What’s your favorite nostalgic song? What does it remind you of?
13. If you could learn one new skill or pick up a new hobby, what would you like to do?
14. What’s your favorite book? Magazine?
15. What’s your religion/religious beliefs?
16. What are you going to name your children? Or, what are your favorite names in general?
17. Who was your childhood best friend? Do you still keep in touch?
18. Tell us your life philosophy?
19. Tell us a secret talent!
20. Create your own question and answer it!

Check out the other 20 Questions, grab my badge and join in!

(If you’re viewing this in a reader, you might have to come out to see the badge code..)

Posted by Lauren
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20 Questions Day One: What age did you learn to ride a bike?

Hey guys! So, a friend of mine on another diary site has started a round of 20 Questions, where each day you answer one question from a list.

I thought it was a great idea and would be a way to get everyone writing every day, especially if you’re feeling like you have nothing to write about lately.

The idea is that you answer one question a day, for 20 days. You can play everyday, or whenever you get the chance; I’m going to try to do one a day for every weekday, so if you want to follow my lead, go for it.

You can play here in my comments or on your blog, but it would be much more fun if you joined along on your blog!

Alright, here are the set of questions.. I wrote some, stole some, haha!

[20 Questions]

1. What age did you learn to ride a bike?
2. Do you remember your first day of kindergarten? What was it like?
3. What was your first car? What did you love/hate about it?
4. Who is/are your hero(es)?
5. What is one of your favorite memories from your childhood?
6. Do you play an instrument? If not, what would you want to play if you could?
7. What’s something on your “bucket list”?
8. What were you like in middle school? What were your clothing/music choices? (Around 12 years old.)
9. What is something adventurous you’d like to do someday?
10. Do you believe in anything “odd” – UFOs, ghosts, horoscopes, superstitions, etc.?
11. What’s something you’re interested in that no one really knows about or no one would really understand?
12. What’s your favorite nostalgic song? What does it remind you of?
13. If you could learn one new skill or pick up a new hobby, what would you like to do?
14. What’s your favorite book? Magazine?
15. What’s your religion/religious beliefs?
16. What are you going to name your children? Or, what are your favorite names in general?
17. Who was your childhood best friend? Do you still keep in touch?
18. Tell us your life philosophy?
19. Tell us a secret talent!
20. Create your own question and answer it!

So, I will start Day 1 by answering the first one..

What age did you learn to ride a bike?

I don’t remember the exact age, but I remember being late, being the last one. For a long time, I would ride around with one single training wheel for security, even though I was not really using it, I was just using it to get started. My cousins were riding without training wheels when we went camping, but I wasn’t, I also remember learning both from my dad and from my best friend’s dad in the huge driveway a few houses down from our house, it was a slight hill.

All my memories put me around six, but thinking about that now, that doesn’t sound very late, does it? Maybe? I really have no idea!

I can’t remember the color of it, but I think it was white with a little bit of purple in it, and it was a Huffy. I had the pom-poms in the handlebars and the little plastic sliding thingies in the spokes!

I don’t have a picture of me on my two-wheeled bike, but check it: I totally have a picture of me on my tricycle, which is cooler anyway. It had a Strawberry Shortcake basket on it. Be super jealous!

So, let me know in the comments if you’re going to participate.

Link back here everyday so we can all read your answers!

I even made a badge for you to steal and we all know how much everyone loves badges. *peer pressure*

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Posted by Lauren