Last day for giveaway + lists

Aww, thank you for all of the kind comments yesterday. 🙂

two things.

1. Giveaway ends today! If you haven’t yet entered, it’s your last chance. Hopefully I will have a winner here in the next couple of days.

2. Here’s my second 30 Days of Lists. I guess I won’t torture you guys and post them every single day, haha. Or, ooo, maybe I will. YES TORTURE. err.

things I’m good at

collecting pens
trying new things
spotting good books
talking too much
not burning things
being indecisive
getting sunburned
doing the cotton-eyed joe dance
playing pool
making people laugh
being creative
bargain shopping
taking pictures
wiggling my nose like a bunny

Posted by Lauren

Prayer request

I’ve never talked about this here before, but I wanted to take a few minutes to do so, to mostly ask for prayers.

My dad was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer this past summer. He found out about it after having a seizure that sent him to the hospital, where they found tumors on his brain. He has them on his brain, lungs and adrenal glands.

He’s been going through chemo and radiation and it’s mostly just been a “wait and see” situation. But, this weekend I found out that since his last MRI at the beginning of the year, he has developed three new tumors on his brain. I’m not really sure this means in the scheme of things, but he will be continuing with treatment.

If you pray, please pray for him and our family.

Posted by Lauren

30 Days of Lists: a few things about yourself

catholic, wife, sister, photographer, philosopher, reader, adventurer, debater, obsessed with weather, scavenger, loves paper, homemaker, board hoarder, rare steak lover, thinker, steelers fan, artist, contradictory contrary, libertarian, loves winter, procrastinator, stinky puppy & kitty owner, musical, random, perceptive, i <3 orange, analyzer


Posted by Lauren

Blog Guidebook

This is cool. I just discovered it today from Chrissy. Thanks!

This blog is guidebook (duh) for different types of blogs and you can add your listing for free (until June, I think!) and find other blogs by their categories.

It seems like an easy and interesting way to find new blogs to read and to get some exposure for your own blog.

Posted by Lauren

Snail Mail Monday & 30 Days of Lists

From my friend Hollie right up on my refrigerator. 🙂

I think I’m going to start doing “incoming” and “outgoing” on Snail Mail Monday but I’ll probably forget so you should remind me.


30 Days of Lists is coming up tomorrow, check it out if you want to participate. I’ll be posting mine here. If you don’t know what it is, here’s the blurb about it.

Not everyone can make a mini scrapbook every week or an art journal page every night.

“30 Days of Lists is our encouragement and challenge to you that you CAN journal just something every day – even something as small as a list.

Every day through the month of March we will be posting a list prompt – anything from weekend goals to celebrity crushes. At the end of the 30 days you’ll have a collection of entries creating a small snapshot of your life right now.”

Here is the journal I made for it, and by “made” I mean I glued one little thingy on the cover haha! But, I’ve been wanting to use this magazine as a journal for awhile so I think this is a great occasion for it.

Anyone else here participating in 30 Days of Lists?

And of course, check out my snail mail giveaway if you haven’t. Two more days left!

Posted by Lauren

Library Haul

BookBox: embed book widget, share book list

This is what I have out from the library right now. 🙂

I’m about halfway through The Host and I’m finding it really interesting so far. I think the writing is better than Twilight, though I can’t say for sure if the story is better or worse or just different.

And I’m loving the Vampire Academy series, ha!

I haven’t read any Ted Dekker in a long long time, but I always liked him and I found this one in the front of the library in the “new to the library” section, which I always look at, so I thought I’d grab it.

Check out my snail mail giveaway if you haven’t.

Posted by Lauren

Thrifted finds

I went thrifting for the first time in forever a few days ago. I wish I could do it every single day though.

This is a sewing machine manual, but I got it to use as an art journal. I think it’s going to be my “throw in my purse with a glue stick, pen & washi tape” journal, but not entirely sure yet.

I don’t know why I got this book but I like it haha.

And some mason jars, which are either going to be used to put beans and rice and things in or for small stuff in my craft area. I wish I could have bought them all up though, these suckers are expensive everywhere.

The vase wasn’t thrifted, but those are the flowers I got on Valentine’s Day.

I also got a jacket but I didn’t take a picture of that because it went right in the washing machine. And I got another item but I have plans for it that I am going to share next week after the giveaway ends. Be excited because it’s kinda cool.

Speaking of giveaway, don’t forget to enter.

Posted by Lauren

Whoa hail!

We just had a really fast, intense thunderstorm here. Check out the hail we got here in Jessup, MD. It looks like we put down salt for snow!

If you missed it, check out the snail mail goodies giveaway.

Posted by Lauren
1 Comment

Postcard Thursday

If you haven’t entered my snail mail goodies giveaway, go do so now! Then come back here! I’ll wait.

Okay, good. You’re back.

Today’s postcard is from 1942. I think it’s actually a photo that was written on the back? I’m going to do my best with the handwriting.

I don’t know who the sender is at all, but Mrs. Bruce Mashburn was my grandmother.

A cold wintery view, similar to many around Andover, since our heavy snow of last week, but this was one we took in Labrador.

Andover, N.Y., Feb. 15

Dear Margie,

Just to let you know how much I appreciated your little letter at Christmas time. I am wondering how far from Pinebluff your new home is, also about Bruce’s new job, and are you working outside your own home now? Is it so you can get home often? Is there much of a chance that Bruce will have to go to War? We are staying very close to home this winter, mainly because of Mr. Watson’s health — but we are more thankful than ever to have a home to stay in when we hear of the thousands homeless in other lands. I think [?] of you often.

???? M. Watson

One cent stamp! I didn’t know who Gilbert Charles Stuart was, so I looked him up. He was a painter best known for his unfinished portrait of George Washington, called The Athenaeum.

See more of my postcard project.

Posted by Lauren

DIY & Mail Goodies Giveaway

If you remember, for Christmas, I got a postcard stamp from Hobby Lobby, which apparently everyone loved! Well, I used it for the first time to make my letter into a postcard.

Choose your envelope and your picture (I used a magazine). Cut out the picture in two pieces to match the envelope, so that you can both see the picture and use the flap.

Glue it on. Now you have the picture part of the “postcard”.

Flip it over and stamp. Then fill it out to mail just like you would any other letter.

Finally, put cute things in it, of course. 😉

And that brings me to my first giveaway full of mail goodies!

In case you haven’t figured it out, I like mail, haha! Since everyone seemed to love the postcard stamp, I have one of those.

A large ink pad in black. It’s archival quality, waterproof, acid free, all that good stuff.

Random postcards & notecards. There are like 15 postcards and 5 notecards here.

And I’m also including some other mail related surprises in the package.



Leave a comment for each one of these things that you do. (If you’re already following me somewhere, that’s fine, just tell you are!)

Mandatory entry: Follow this blog using Google Friend Connect or Bloglovin & tell me what what kind of letters you like to read/write! Do you like long letters that discuss serious things? Or short & sweet little notes or postcards?

Optional extra entries:

1.) Follow me on Twitter (@fizleglitz) & tweet about this giveaway. You can use this if you want:

Check out oh, lauren’s first #giveaway of mail goodies! Postcard stamp, notecards & postcards + surprises! @fizleglitz

(Worth 1 entry.)

2.) Like oh, lauren on Facebook. (Worth 1 entry.)

3.) Blog about this giveaway & link me to the post! (Worth 2 entries.)

The giveaway closes Wednesday, March 2nd and will remain at the top of my blog until it closes.

Hope you like my first giveaway. 🙂

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Posted by Lauren