I spend a lot of time exploring the forums at Personality Cafe. One thing many people there are able to do is explain how they think/process very specific information in quite aware and descriptive ways, something I have not been able to do yet.
Then the other day, something interesting happened. I was in the middle of a sentence and I blanked out on a word – something that I’m sure happens to everyone at some point – so I went to *look* for the word in my head. (The word I was looking for was “abstract”.)
So, then out of the corner of the right side of my head, a vague, fuzzy impression of the word “abstract” floated out in front of me, of which I knew was the word “abstract”, and I metaphorically reached out and grabbed it and then, I had it. It was all instantaneous.
I never before would have been able to see something like this and describe what happened! It’s so fascinating to be able to see how your brain processes/looks for information!
I mean, my reaction to watching other people describe this has always been something along the lines of “wow, that’s fascinating, but umm, how the heck did you KNOW that? I mean, if I’ve been doing this my whole life, how I can I recognize it? How can I step back enough to describe it?? I have NO IDEA what I do!”
And then today, I was able to *see* how my brain worked for a short bit and it was awesome!
How do you search for words if you blank out in conversation? Do you know?