Hello, it’s time for links! Did you guys have a nice Saturday?
Guess what? I got an iPad! I got a white one, so exciting! I now own the entire Apple store.. one Macbook Pro, one iPhone and an iPad. I’m still setting everything up because as usual I have to make it a long, drawn out process. I can’t just turn on my photo stream and be done with it. No, I decided I have to clean out my photo stream and delete anything old on my phone that has been backed up on my computer already – ya know, so I can have a clean slate – and of course that means I need to back up my computer “just in case” something happens in the time that I don’t have all the photos on my phone in several locations..
I have to regularly back up my computer anyway, but yeah, this is typical of me. Can’t just do one thing, have to rearrange everything in order to do one thing. Anyone else like this? Am I nuts? Don’t answer that!
Oh, this is not actually related to anything at all, but one time, when I was a child, I invented a way to open and shut my bedroom door from my bed with a Slinky.
Anyway, links.
• We didn’t choose the thug life.
• Make DIY wall art out of folded paper over at the How About Orange blog.
• Really interesting typography article: Pitch Design Information.
• Ok, this blog is really cool. Do you remember those diamond shaped things you’d make as a child, out of folded paper? You’d move them around with your first two fingers on each hand, and then you’d open then up and they’d say something? Paperfortunetellers.com calls them cootie catchers, and their entire blog is dedicated to them.
• This is really funny. Just watch it. I love how many people are being such good sports.
Check out my other Weekend Links posts where I link up to a variety of things I’ve found during the week.