Well, my Postcard Project is back! I hope you don’t mind because this is one of my favorite things, haha. If you don’t remember, this is where I share postcards out of the collection I have, which is made up of a mix I inherited from my mom and her mom and also my own collection.
This one is from Gadsby’s Tavern in Alexandria, Virginia. Margie is my grandma and Doris is my great aunt.
Gadsby’s Tavern
Social center and meeting place of 18th century Alexandrians. George Washington received his commission at Gadsby’s in 1754 and used this tavern as his headquarters. Today, Gadsby’s Tavern is a restaurant.
Dear Margie,
Having a great time in the D.C. area.
Toured Alexandria yesterday and leave today for Baltimore.
May get in a trip to Gettysburg. Return to N.C. on the 30th.
<3 Doris
I was just thinking it would be kind of cool to visit the places on my postcards, since a lot of ones from this part of the collection are pretty close to me.
It looks like the stamp is from 1980, the date on the postmark.
Obviously, you should go check out the rest of my Postcard Project if you never have!