A little random, but..
I have never..
– broken a bone/had an overnight hospital stay/had x-rays (outside of teeth)/had anesthesia
– painted a house (inside or out)
– been to the west coast
– built anything
– baked a cake
– skiied or snowboarded
– done a tequila shot
– reread a book (gosh, too many books, no time for rereads!)
– been a bridesmaid (always a bride.. err, wait)
– been to a baby shower (thank goodness. don’t like groups of women haha.)
– eaten: brains, haggis, (would totally try those, btw) pomegranate, kumquat, fresh asparagus (i’ve only had it out of a can), poached egg
– gotten detention (in school, not really a worry now haha)
– done a cartwheel
– worn a bikini bathing suit
– been on a sports team
– dated (nope – met my husband online so there was really no dating & he was my first boyfriend, we’ve been together since I was 20)
– smoked pot/tried drugs
– played Spin the Bottle
– been on tv
– met anyone famous (unless the Supertones count – yeah, I didn’t think so. lol)
– seen: Fight Club, Indiana Jones, Schindler’s List, Braveheart, Lord of the Rings, Terminator
I have..
– been to Germany
– been to a Steelers game (at Three Rivers Stadium)
– been to a soccer game (in Germany – it sucked, soccer sucks :P)
– been to a baseball game (Harrisburg Senators, minor league)
– been in the Atlantic Ocean & Gulf of Mexico
– made a pie
– seen Phantom of Opera, Ragtime & Rent (Toronto, Broadway & DC)
– painted a picture
– made a pretty good rare steak
– smacked into and got stuck under a wire fence while sledding (hurt bad. ow. lots of bruises, couldn’t move arm/shoulder for awhile)
– finally been on a subway in the U.S. (DC metro – before that, the only time I had ever been on one was in Germany)
– done a boiler maker & beer bong (haha!)
– been whitewater rafting
– read 100 books in a year
– been to 7 funerals (grandparents & mom among them)
– been to 5 weddings (not including my own)
– been a flower girl
– eaten: raw fish, lobster, crabs, crayfish, eel, scrapple, pigs feet, chicken feet, mussels, clams, raw hamburger (with garlic salt! yum!), fat back, grits, collard greens, chicken liver/gizzards/hearts, starfruit, lebanon bologna, hurka (hungarian liver or blood sausage), hogmaw (pretty sure), red beat pickled eggs, shoo-fly pie, birch beer
– been on a bazillion roller coasters
– been in marching band 😛
– played the trumpet & guitar
– been a cheerleader (in elementary school for like 2 seconds! haha!)
– smoked a cigarette (the first time was like 2 years ago – i’m 28)
– drank underage
– seen an opera (again, in Germany)
Ok, your turn. What have you done or haven’t done? Anything people would be shocked about?