Colorado intro and Garden of the Gods.
The second day, we took the cog railway up Pike’s Peak. We didn’t get to go the whole way to the top because there were 80 mph winds that day. I was pretty disappointed in the whole experience, mainly because of that. One, we didn’t get to go to the top. Two, the view on the train is very one-sided and guess where we were? On the opposite side. The seats are also assigned. So, I didn’t really get to see anything. Three, we didn’t really get to stop anywhere to see any views. And four, we didn’t get the famous donuts at the top! I actually cried on the way back down because I realized how little I was going to see.. yeah, I’m a baby.
The whole thing frustrated me so much, I actually wrote a review and I hate writing reviews! (Go to the one by “Lauren J.) And I wrote one for Garden of the Gods too because I was so in awe and happy with that experience – and I had to get my Pike’s Peak jab in, haha!
Anyway, the best part of the whole trip though and probably enough to make it worthwhile was the mountain goats! I’ve never seen them before and they were so cute!
This might be one of my fave pictures, even with the light in it.. actually, I like the light in it.
This is one of those souvenir penny machines, where the penny smooshes down.
The goats!! Eee!!
doesn’t this look like a fake backdrop? lol