1. Do you have any nicknames and if so how did it come about?
i don’t have any right now – so you should create one for me. my dad called me fizleglitz when i was little, also was called pete but i have no idea why (which is where my husband’s blog name comes from), and the normal pumpkin and squirt. a friend in school called me “little one”. my maiden name is tatar, so there were tons with that – tatar-tot, tatarhead, agi (agitater), were the ones i’ve had.. i miss those the most!! i’ve tried to get people to call me ren, from lauREN but it won’t stick.
2. What is your birth order amongst your siblings?
i’m the oldest, but sorta an only child too since my first sibling wasn’t born until i was 10 and i didn’t live with them.
3. In a movie of your life, who would play your significant other?
well, if i get to play myself, then michael shanks. 😉
4. What is currently your favorite song?
i like i love the way you lie.. i guess that’s the closest to a fave right now.
5. Are you saving your money for anything right now? Big or small purchase?
we’re just starting now to save for a house.