Video on Neuroscience, Jungian Type and Mathematics: Insights into Student Struggles

I just wanted to share a video that I thought was really fascinating.

Posted by Lauren

It’s a..

baby girl!

And my 20 week ultrasound..



Posted by Lauren

Pregnant Women Are Smug

I LOVE this video, haha. LOVE IT.

Posted by Lauren
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Pregnancy: 19 Weeks

Hey everyone! I’m 19 weeks, one day today. Honestly, not much has changed, but I have started to feel (I think) the baby moving around – it feels like fluttering, which is how I know it’s described, but it’s still hard to tell for sure.

I have my anatomical ultrasound this coming Tuesday and we have decided to find out the sex, and I’ll try not to keep you guys in too much suspense after we find out.

I don’t think I’ve really had any pregnancy cravings, except for a few weeks I really wanted sweet tea. But, I have an almost complete aversion to meat.. or uh, food in general. I still barely have an appetite! Well, I’m mostly not be able to eat all day and then want to eat a ton in the evening.

I am starting to feel a bit better, but dang I don’t believe all you people who are all like “oh I love being pregnant, blah blah blah, it’s the bestest”. Whatever. LIES. 😉

So, I have my first belly photo for you! It’s actually from 17 weeks though. (shhhh..)


Posted by Lauren

Pregnancy: 16 Weeks

So, yep, I am pregnant, for those still reading.

I am 16 weeks, my due date is January 23rd. Let’s see.. I’m bloated, exhausted, pukey and miserable. All I do is sit around on the couch all day because I can’t do anything else. I hate sleeping on my side. (Who wrote that stupid rule? Like, humans aren’t even made for the side – come on, what do you do with your arms?!) I can’t eat anything, food aversion to pretty much everything but fruit. And supposedly that’s all supposed to let up now in this supposed “magical 2nd trimester” but so far it’s well.. not.

Haha, isn’t it fun?

This is my ultrasound picture from 11 weeks. I get my next one September 3rd, when I get to learn the sex. Doesn’t he/she look like he/she’s surrounded by butterflies?


I got to hear the heartbeat last week and a kick through the doppler as well, but accident trying to find the heartbeat. Honestly, the kick got to me more than the heartbeat.

But, really, I’ve prayed for a baby for a long time and I even though I’m miserable right now and my emotions are all over the place (actually, no, they don’t exist, I think that’s normal too though, right?) I am hoping for a wonderful and safe and beautiful pregnancy and baby.

Posted by Lauren



Posted by Lauren

Domain Updates

Two posts ago I mentioned a domain change – that my blog will be moving from to

Everything should be all sorted out now and should work properly (hopefully).

    • You should be able to get to everything through You can still access, but it will disappear soon.
    • The feed will remain the same, so no need to change that.
    • Bloglovin’ moved all of my followers over for me, so if you follow me there, you probably won’t even notice the change.

So, that’s all I have.. expect another post soon with an announcement.

Posted by Lauren
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Lauren Tip of the Week

Duvet covers are a pain. Yeah, they’re great for washing and whatnot, but to put back on the blanket (seriously, can we just call them blankets..)? Impossible.

..Especially for people like me (and my husband) who can never remember what way actually worked the previous time..

But, alas, I have a tip this week that will help!

One simple step: insert one duvet and one husband into duvet cover.

And the problem takes care of itself!


Posted by Lauren
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Domain Changes

Over the next week, I am going to be changing back to using instead of, and eventually getting rid of

Right now, you should be able to access this blog from so you’re welcome to bookmark that, however the new feed isn’t ready yet (it only redirects to my current feed).

Please start following me through my new domain on Bloglovin’ though!

Follow on Bloglovin

Look out for more updates this week.

Posted by Lauren

The Myers-Briggs

[mbti head]

I am sure many of you are familiar with the Myers-Briggs personality test. You may have taken it at work, school or for fun online.

If you haven’t, this one at HumanMetrics is pretty popular. However, I prefer these two: and And John’s Personality Test is new, but it’s kinda fun.

I personally think the tests are not very accurate (as I believe they measure behavior while the theory these tests are based on revolve around how a person thinks) and they take a good amount of self-awareness to take properly, however, they are a decent enough place to start. You can help confirm your results by reading descriptions of several types. (For example, if the result is ISTJ, I suggest reading ISTJ, ESTJ, INTJ or even ISFP.)

A benefit to learning about personalities is learning about yourself and about other people – how we are similar and different, how to get along better, what drives us, etc.

Without getting into any theory today (and watch it, I may in the future – I LOVE the MBTI and Jung and the study of personality – so this is a warning!) I just wanted to share what my own type is, a little snippet about it and ask what your type is!

I am an INFJ. This stands for Introvert, Intuition, Feeling, Perceiving. INFJs are the rarest type, at about 1-3% of the population and we are nicknamed the “Counselors” and are known for being very complex.

INFJs are “old souls.” Many grow up feeling wiser than would be predicted by their chronological age. Having discovered the benefits of their Introverted Intuition (Ni) quite early in life, INFJs grow to trust its judgments and insights. They may take on the role of counseling and advising their friends and siblings, or even adult family members, from a fairly young age. [..]

INFJs see two people in everyone. They see the public persona, the outer shell, that everyone else sees. But more importantly, their Ni provides a deeper sense or impression people, penetrating appearances and reading hidden motives and intentions. Rightly or not, INFJs often feel they can see people more clearly than those people can see themselves. [..]

More specifically, INFJs are far less serious inwardly than they may appear outwardly. Their inner world is well described as playful, imaginative, colorful, mischievous, and daring. [..]

While INFJs are deeply theoretical, they don’t build their theories by consciously assembling facts in the way that Thinking or Sensing types might. Rather, INFJs see general connections and patterns by way of their Intuition; they experience everything as interconnected. [..]

INFJs also have a deep concern for quality. [..] Perhaps more than anything, INFJs love spending time engrossed in meaningful conversation. Because of their verbosity and communal nature, they are commonly mistaken for Extraverts.

What is your Myers-Briggs personality type? Do you think it fits you?
What do you think about this whole system?

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