Holly Knitlightly is celebrating holidays every day this year and today is Middle Name Pride Day.
My middle name is Amanda. I have no idea where it came from, but I’ve always loved it. It means “worthy of love”. When I was really little I liked it more than my first name and tried to go by it, but it never stuck. Sometimes I would pretend Amanda was my “evil twin”. Or else, she was the good one and Lauren was the evil twin. Later, there were many more Amandas in my classes than Laurens (though, now Lauren seems to be way more popular & they all seem to be my age. Where were they then?).
When I was 11, my sister was born and her name is Amanda. (We had different moms so I guess this is enough criteria for this horrible theft!) So she basically stole my name and ran off with it, never to allow me the fun of my middle name again! 😉 This is what an evil Amanda name thief looks likes:
Gosh, it’s not even fair. There are songs about my middle name – Amanda by Waylon Jennings and Amanda by Boston. Mandy by Barry Manilow. I always loved the Waylon Jennings song. And what does Lauren get? hmm?
I’ve been trying desperately to get a nickname for oh, my entire life (haha – well, I used to have them for my last name, Tatar, but never for my first) and I’ve heard that people have gone by Lo, Laur or Ren for Lauren before, though I’ve never really been called any of those (at least not seriously – tried Ren/Rennie for a bit and it never really stuck though I love it). Sam thinks that I should go by Lo Mein – Lo for Lauren and Mein for Amanda.
So, what’s your middle name? Do you like it?