Hey everyone! I’m 19 weeks, one day today. Honestly, not much has changed, but I have started to feel (I think) the baby moving around – it feels like fluttering, which is how I know it’s described, but it’s still hard to tell for sure.
I have my anatomical ultrasound this coming Tuesday and we have decided to find out the sex, and I’ll try not to keep you guys in too much suspense after we find out.
I don’t think I’ve really had any pregnancy cravings, except for a few weeks I really wanted sweet tea. But, I have an almost complete aversion to meat.. or uh, food in general. I still barely have an appetite! Well, I’m mostly not be able to eat all day and then want to eat a ton in the evening.
I am starting to feel a bit better, but dang I don’t believe all you people who are all like “oh I love being pregnant, blah blah blah, it’s the bestest”. Whatever. LIES. 😉
So, I have my first belly photo for you! It’s actually from 17 weeks though. (shhhh..)