Colorado: Intro

So, I’m back from Colorado! We got back on Sunday, just in the time to see the Steelers beat the Ravens, yay! I’m thinking I’m going to have to share the trip in bits and pieces considering I just put 300-some pictures on my computer and I like to at least “I feel lucky” edit them before posting. I just did the first flip-through and deleted a bunch, but there’s a lot more to do! I’m pretty sure there are going to be a million pictures of rocks though. (Ah, yes, Niagara Falls all over again – after I went there in high school, my mom was flipping through my pictures and complained about hundreds of pictures of water, hehe!)

We went to visit Sam’s grandma because she had been sick and we really felt like we should be there. All of her kids were there, Sam’s three aunts and two uncles and his dad. I had met everyone before at our wedding, but this is the first time I’ve really gotten to know the extended family and I had a really good time. We also got in some site seeing. I have never been to Colorado before, in fact, this is the furthest west I’ve ever been. (Yay! I got to add another state to my “states I’ve been to” list, which is now up to 23 states!)

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Does anyone have any suggestions to help get noise out of photos, from low-light situations on a crap point and shoot? (I have Gimp.)

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