Happy Friday! Here is my first guest blogger, Michelle from Books ‘N Shoes! Eee, how exciting!! Enjoy!
Hi, my name is Michelle, and my usual home is over at Books ‘N Shoes! Lauren isn’t feeling well, so I’m here to entertain you! If you have any rotten tomatoes, please don’t throw them at me (wakka wakka wakka!). Keep your arms and hands inside at all times, and no flash photography…
One of my favorite things in life is MUSIC! I listen to it all day, every day. I listen to many different genres, so I thought I’d share with you a few albums that I consider to be essential!

Jimmy Eat World – Okay, so ALL of their albums make it to my playlist, but I’d have to say ‘Futures’ and ‘Clarity’ are the two best. 😀 I fell in love with them the first time I heard “Table for Glasses” (track 1 of ‘Clarity’). My favorite band, EVER.
Iron & Wine – ‘The Shepherd’s Dog’
I listened to this during my entire pregnancy, and it actually ended up as the music I listened to while I was laboring in the hospital. It’s relaxing, haunting, beautiful, lush, and simple at the same time. Every time I listen I find more things to love about it.
Common – ‘Be’
Really, a fantastic hip-hop album by a great MC. I am not huge on hip-hop, but this album transcends the usual fare offered up by rappers today.
The Beatles – ‘Revolver’
This is the most perfect Beatles album, at least in my humble opinion. Between “Taxman” and “Tomorrow Never Knows” is a whole slew of amazing tracks that lock you into your seat, riveted. “Eleanor Rigby”, anyone?! This may even be the most awesome rock album ever.
The Beach Boys – ‘Pet Sounds’
This is really the penultimate Beach Boys album, and showcases Brian Wilson’s ridiculous amount of talent and artistry.
What are your favorite albums? I’m always open to recommendations!
Thanks for sticking with me, and I hope you all have a wonderful day! Visit me over at www.booksnshoes.com and say hello.
Make sure to send Lauren some feel-better-vibes!