1. If you could go back to college would you change your major? Or, if you were to go to college right now…what major would you choose?
Yep. i was first an el ed major & then I switched to poli sci with a minor in philosophy. before i left school for money reasons, i was going to change again to sociology. i would love to keep the philosophy if i had room for it, but i probably wouldn’t. right now I would do a mix of anthropology, art & photography.
2. What do you love most about your home?
i love our back deck.. lol i’d love a lot more if i could figure out how to decorate, but i’m clueless.
3. What types of books do you like to read (if you like to read at all)?
literary fiction is my favorite. very occasionally chick-lit, beverly lewis or john grisham. and lots of non-fiction in the areas of politics, philosophy, catholicism, sociology/anthropology, art/photography & math. i have my book list from the last four years, though not updated & i don’t really read christian fiction anymore & most of the non-fiction i read doesn’t end up on the list since i don’t typically read them to finish them. (i’m thinking about starting to add them anyway though!)
4. What is the grossest thing you’ve ever eaten?
hmm. to me or to someone else? lol i don’t find most foods to be gross. but i’ve had pigs feet which i didn’t care for & chicken feet which i kinda liked. scrapple is alright, but i wanna try it again. i love raw hamburger (with garlic salt!). honestly, i think tofu is the grossest. i love all seafood, liver/gizzards/hearts, brussel sprouts.. the standards most people don’t like.
actually, one time, someone made me up one of those odd things where you mix lots of stuff together & dare someone to eat it. mine had in tobasco sauce & toothpaste, among other things i don’t remember & i ate it. it was pretty gross. lol
if you’ve seen bizarre foods, you should know that there is very little, if anything, that i would not try from that show. i’m pretty sure my only criteria is that it should really be dead, unless of course it looks dead & no one tells me. *shrug*
5. If you HAD to be a character on a TV show, whom would you be?
hmm, sue sylvester from glee. daniel jackson from stargate sg-1? hyde from that 70s show? darlene from roseanne? oh, i know!! sheldon from big bang theory. haha, i kinda relate to him. 😛