i’m so behind, yell at me!! so instead of doing something, i’m going to make a list, because i love lists.
❤ work on circle journal – need to finish by may 7th
❤ hug stinky puppy xx [haha, i did that just now, ya know, so i can have something done]

❤ post april project 365s
❤ start art journal for “Tell Your Story” class *
❤ read through old letters from my parents
❤ finish painting picture frames [yay i got craft paint now so i can do this]
❤ create altered book – going to turn that book i got in the last post into a journal 🙂
❤ write back two penpals
*so i am taking Elsie and Rachel’s Tell Your Story art journaling class. We’re in week two (out of six) and I signed up late- Saturday – and I went to my sister’s softball tournament yesterday, and so I haven’t started yet and there is so much awesome stuff already. i’ve been catching up in the posts and endless inspiration & i cannot wait to get started. so, expect to see pictures of my journal in here soon! i hope! i can already tell that this will be the best $60 ever spent. i’ve never done an art journal before (i’ve never really even scrapbooked before outside of helping with the keyclub scrapbook in high school) so this is exciting. i think i will love it and i think it will be more my thing than scrapbooking.
p.s. my new favorite color combination is gray, teal & yellow.
a 2ND list for this entry- call it an awesome bonus.
“new to me” favorite things:
❤ vintage thermoses
❤ art journals
❤ altered books
❤ glee
❤ japanese masking tape
leave me a comment with your favorite things that are new to you. also, leave a comment telling me something interesting.