it’s like a million degrees out and the backyard is full of scary bees, but i look cute, right? (i ❤ pockets!!)

weekend plans:
❤ get new (aka free and vintage) bicycle in working order! [can’t wait & there will be pics!]
❤ pick up an old record player (console, omg this thing is going to be huge, right?) from freecycle
❤ finish twilight saga (haha, shutup)
❤ buy 2 art journals (one to pass around & one for me)
❤ reply to letter i got this week
❤ send out postcards (plus buy one still.. guess from online.. still can’t find state-oriented postcards anywhere..)
❤ make husband mow lawn & get rid of scary bees
❤ easter vigil mass
& yours?