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Tag Archives: 20 questions
20 Questions Day Ten: Odd Beliefs
This is going to be the last of these questions for a few weeks, because next week, we’re leaving to go visit my husband’s family in Joplin, Missouri for a week. Do you believe in anything “odd” – UFOs, ghosts, horoscopes, superstitions, etc.? So, umm my short answer is “no”, haha. I guess I should […]
20 Questions Day Nine: Adventure
So, tonight we’re going to a Leon Russell concert in Baltimore, and I’m really excited. Except.. I’m sick – I have a cold/sore throat, and even though I don’t have a fever, I still feel like I have a fever. But, I am determined to not miss the greatest dirty hippy singer/songwriter of all time. […]
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Also tagged adventure, bucket list, leon russell, urban exploration
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20 Questions Day Eight: Middle School
What were you like in middle school? What were your clothing/music choices? Ooo, this is a fun one! Well, middle school puts me around the years of 1995-1997. I’m thinking that flannel shirts unbuttoned over t-shirts with either khakis or wide legged jeans were popular then, so that’s what I was wearing. I think it […]
20 Questions Day Seven: Bucket List
What’s something on your “bucket list”? You can see my actual bucket list here, but the one thing that stands out for me right now is that I would love to learn how to snowboard. I know it’s hard, but it really appeals to me, and it seems like it’s more my thing than skiing. […]
20 Questions Day Six: Do you play an instrument?
Oops, I didn’t write yesterday because I wasn’t feeling very well. But I’m feeling much better today. Do you play an instrument? If not, what would you want to play if you could? Yep, I play the trumpet. I had private lessons and I was in all the band stuff in high school and college. […]
20 Questions Day Five: Favorite childhood memory
What is your favorite childhood memory? When I was little, my dad wore a suit to work and carried a briefcase. (This is funny if you knew him in his tattoed, shaved head, Harley-riding days!) When he got home from work, my mom and I would sometimes greet him at the door with a basket, […]
20 Questions Day Four: Who are your heroes?
Who are your heroes? I have a slew of people I look up to – Ron Paul, St. Thomas Aquinas, G.K. Chesterton. Ron Paul because of his life-long tireless fighting for liberty and the Constitution, St. Thomas Aquinas for his theology, and G.K. Chesterton for his theology and humor. Steve Jobs was a fascinating person, […]
20 Questions Day Three: What was your first car?
What was your first car? What did you love/hate about it? My first car was a 1985 black Dodge Lancer, with TURBO. haha I got it around senior year of high school, so around 2001. It was fantastic: the turbo didn’t work, it barely made it up hills and it would stall at red lights […]
20 Questions Day Two: First day of kindergarten
Do you remember your first day of kindergarten? What was it like? I vaguely remember the school and standing outside in line to wait for the bell to go in. My mom always told the story that instead of being upset like a lot of kids or not wanting their moms to leave, I turned […]