[i want to name my daughter clementine, but i don’t think my husband is into that, so can i like.. change my name? start calling me clementine, ok?]
okay, so just a head’s up. i am planning a blog redo, that includes possibly a URL change and therefore feed change. lol sorry, I know, I’m hopeless.. just go with it. so, just be aware that it will probably happen pretty soon. i’ll have this site forwarded, but i can’t do that with the feeds (as far as i know!) – so i’ll have to let you know what my new feed is. 🙂 well, hmm, i don’t know now. the url i want is available, but it is very similar to a celebrity’s and i don’t think i want the fuss and possible legal issues. grr! and i love the name too! …..wait. the site is just a fan site. does that change things? now i can’t decide what to do.
also, can i have a small count of who is reading my blog? just a *hi, i’m a stalker* would be great. 🙂 🙂
p.s. for your troubles, i have here some prettiness to look at.
[everything is from weheartit]