So, yep, I am pregnant, for those still reading.
I am 16 weeks, my due date is January 23rd. Let’s see.. I’m bloated, exhausted, pukey and miserable. All I do is sit around on the couch all day because I can’t do anything else. I hate sleeping on my side. (Who wrote that stupid rule? Like, humans aren’t even made for the side – come on, what do you do with your arms?!) I can’t eat anything, food aversion to pretty much everything but fruit. And supposedly that’s all supposed to let up now in this supposed “magical 2nd trimester” but so far it’s well.. not.
Haha, isn’t it fun?
This is my ultrasound picture from 11 weeks. I get my next one September 3rd, when I get to learn the sex. Doesn’t he/she look like he/she’s surrounded by butterflies?
I got to hear the heartbeat last week and a kick through the doppler as well, but accident trying to find the heartbeat. Honestly, the kick got to me more than the heartbeat.
But, really, I’ve prayed for a baby for a long time and I even though I’m miserable right now and my emotions are all over the place (actually, no, they don’t exist, I think that’s normal too though, right?) I am hoping for a wonderful and safe and beautiful pregnancy and baby.