Hey guys! So, a friend of mine on another diary site has started a round of 20 Questions, where each day you answer one question from a list.
I thought it was a great idea and would be a way to get everyone writing every day, especially if you’re feeling like you have nothing to write about lately.
The idea is that you answer one question a day, for 20 days. You can play everyday, or whenever you get the chance; I’m going to try to do one a day for every weekday, so if you want to follow my lead, go for it.
You can play here in my comments or on your blog, but it would be much more fun if you joined along on your blog!
Alright, here are the set of questions.. I wrote some, stole some, haha!
[20 Questions]
1. What age did you learn to ride a bike?
2. Do you remember your first day of kindergarten? What was it like?
3. What was your first car? What did you love/hate about it?
4. Who is/are your hero(es)?
5. What is one of your favorite memories from your childhood?
6. Do you play an instrument? If not, what would you want to play if you could?
7. What’s something on your “bucket list”?
8. What were you like in middle school? What were your clothing/music choices? (Around 12 years old.)
9. What is something adventurous you’d like to do someday?
10. Do you believe in anything “odd” – UFOs, ghosts, horoscopes, superstitions, etc.?
11. What’s something you’re interested in that no one really knows about or no one would really understand?
12. What’s your favorite nostalgic song? What does it remind you of?
13. If you could learn one new skill or pick up a new hobby, what would you like to do?
14. What’s your favorite book? Magazine?
15. What’s your religion/religious beliefs?
16. What are you going to name your children? Or, what are your favorite names in general?
17. Who was your childhood best friend? Do you still keep in touch?
18. Tell us your life philosophy?
19. Tell us a secret talent!
20. Create your own question and answer it!
So, I will start Day 1 by answering the first one..
What age did you learn to ride a bike?
I don’t remember the exact age, but I remember being late, being the last one. For a long time, I would ride around with one single training wheel for security, even though I was not really using it, I was just using it to get started. My cousins were riding without training wheels when we went camping, but I wasn’t, I also remember learning both from my dad and from my best friend’s dad in the huge driveway a few houses down from our house, it was a slight hill.
All my memories put me around six, but thinking about that now, that doesn’t sound very late, does it? Maybe? I really have no idea!
I can’t remember the color of it, but I think it was white with a little bit of purple in it, and it was a Huffy. I had the pom-poms in the handlebars and the little plastic sliding thingies in the spokes!
I don’t have a picture of me on my two-wheeled bike, but check it: I totally have a picture of me on my tricycle, which is cooler anyway. It had a Strawberry Shortcake basket on it. Be super jealous!
So, let me know in the comments if you’re going to participate.
Link back here everyday so we can all read your answers!

I even made a badge for you to steal and we all know how much everyone loves badges. *peer pressure*