Hey, I hope you’re having a good Saturday! I bought a new shirt, picked up Insurgent by Veronica Roth (finally!) from the library and I got my haircut. It looks really great in person, but I can’t seem to take a picture that makes it look right at all, or else I would share it. Grr!
• Photography Tips at Papernstitch. I haven’t had a chance to look at everything here yet, but it all looks great.
• Not sure if you know who he is, but Nick Offerman was on Reddit yesterday and there were some pretty hysterical comments. He plays Ron Swanson, the awesome libertarian on Parks and Recreation. He and his wife (Megan Mullaly) are pretty much my life heroes.
Best quote:
You are one of the manliest men of whom I have ever heard. What is your morning routine that begins a day of badassery?
Also, what is your favorite outdoor activity?[–]NickOfferman
I awaken. I consume oxygen, then bacon, eggs and black coffee, then my wife, then bacon.
I love to paddle my own canoe, and also wife. Best while staring at the leaves of the maple or sycamore.
• Speaking of Nick Offerman, earlier this month, he donated Ron Swanson’s moustache to a pediatric cancer charity called Because of Ezra.
• Review of iPhone Photography by Misho Baranovic ebook at Lifeinlofi that you can buy. It looks highly recommended. I might have to get it.
And I don’t know why I didn’t post this sooner, but this might be the best thing I’ve ever seen. Mixing Steelers and Paul Rudd.. it’s like my dream.
Check out the rest of my Weekend Links.